The Hunger Artist
A typography design intended to be read on screens
In this assignment at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, our goal was to create an "expressive", lively way of telling "The Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka through its typography. By reading through the short story, I was able to pinpoint specific themes of death, isolation, and tragedy. As a result, I knew I wanted to express my design for the publication in a "dark-toned" manner; I wanted to evoke a feeling of uneasiness, in a way.

A requirement for this assignment was to have pull-out pages: pages in which a certain quote of the story can be displayed and expressed. The quotes I expressed were chosen in a way to fit a linear storyline; as I wanted to highlight the darkness of the story, I made sure the quotes I chose could be read in a linear fashion and touch on the Hunger Artist's mental decline throughout the story.
Graphic Designer


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